Die richtige Füllmenge dank Gewichteliste
Beim Nachfüllen von Druckerpatronen darf nicht zu viel Tinte eingefüllt werden. Dies kann zum Auslaufen der Patrone führen. Befindet sich in der Patrone noch Resttinte, sollte man nicht unbedingt eine vorgegebe bzw. empfohlene Tintenmenge hinzugeben. Unter Umständen befindet sich so nach der Befüllung zu viel Tinte in der Patrone. Aber wie ermittelt man die richtige Füllmenge bei undurchsichtigen Patronenkörpern?
Hierzu stellen wir Ihnen Gewichtelisten zur Verfügung. Sie beinhalten das Leergewicht, Vollgewicht und die originale Füllmenge der jeweiligen Patronen. Wiegen Sie ihre Patrone und stellen Sie so Abweichungen fest. Wiegt Ihre Patrone im Leerzustand bspw. 2g mehr, können Sie von 2ml Resttintenmenge ausgehen. In diesem Fall füllen Sie bitte 2ml weniger Tinte als empfohlen in die Patrone. Auf diese Weise vermeiden Sie das Überfüllen und Auslaufen der Patrone.

Octopus Write & Draw Ink, waterproof ink for fountain pen, nib and brush, vegan
The Octopus Write & Draw inks are unique, smudge-proof and waterproof writing and drawing inks in a wide range of colours. They were developed for daily use in fountain pens and are also popular with graphic artists, illustrators, calligraphers and artists for writing, sketching, drawing and colouring with calligraphy pens, glass pens or brushes.
Each of the 38 brilliant shades inspires with its intense colour power thanks to its high, balanced pigmentation. In addition to a deep black and various shades of grey, the extensive colour palette also includes a particularly opaque white, which can be used on dark backgrounds.
During the development of the drawing ink, special attention was paid to its use in the fountain pen. The use of the finest colour pigments in a carefully balanced formula ensures high light fastness and a good, even ink flow without clogging the ink duct of the fountain pen. These pigmented writing inks also feature the excellent writing behaviour of the classic Octopus fountain pen inks. The Write & Draw drawing ink meets the requirements for document-proof ink according to DIN ISO 12757-2 and DIN ISO 14145-2 and is produced exclusively with vegan ingredients.
Writing enthusiasts love the razor-sharp typeface that can be achieved on fountain pen-suitable paper and the pleasant shading of the Write & Draw writing ink. Calligraphers can create the finest hairlines and impressive flourishing elements, while urban sketchers can draw precise outlines.
The ink dries waterproof in a very short time and can then be painted over with another shade of Octopus Write & Draw ink or watercolour. It is eraser-proof and most of the colours are also highlighter-proof.
Both pure and diluted with water, Octopus Write & Draw ink is excellent for colouring. Used undiluted, the waterproof ink convinces with its opacity. The many colours of Octopus drawing ink can be mixed with each other, but also with water. In this way, countless colour shades can be achieved for beautiful watercolour effects.
Unlike most other waterproof inks, Octopus Write & Draw can be used in a fountain pen without hesitation. However, care should be taken not to let the fountain pen dry out. We therefore recommend that you rinse and clean your writing instrument carefully after use to prevent the ink from drying up accidentally.
The Octopus special cleaner for pigmented inks is available for cleaning your writing Instruments.