How to reset the ink level of your Canon PGI-550 and CLI-551 inkjet cartridge.
The whole reset process will just take a few minutes.
To power our chip resetter please connect the it with the supplied USB cable to a power source like a computer or mobile charger. The LED on the resetter will blink or light up red. Depending on the type of cartridge you would like to reset you have to plug in the adapter for the smaller (CLI-551) cartridges. The adapter is necessary to ensure a proper connection between the chip on your cartridge and the pins of the resetter. The PGI-550 and CLI-551-XL cartridges can be attached directly.

Slide your cartridge with the chip ahead into the prepared resetter. If you want to reset a CLI-551 cartridge please use the provided adapter. As soon as the pins establish the connection the chip the LED flashes green, then the reset process will start automatically. After a few seconds the LED will turn red again and your cartridge can be used again. Now you can eject the cartridge, refill it with suitable ink and put it back into service. The cartridge will be fully functional again.

The chip resetter is not suitable to set back the chip in original setup cartridges. Furthermore it is not possible to reset the chip on inkjet cartriddges whose ink level management has been deactived before.