Motifs painting with masking fluid

The following tutorial was created in the course of our calendar project with the linked artist. In addition to this tutorial, there are eleven other techniques around the various applications for alcohol inks. The individual materials, steps and tips were written by the respective artist and summarized by us for the calendar. We hope you have fun trying them out!

Materials used:

Colors used:

Artist:@tansch_art (link to instagram page)

Motifs painting with masking fluid

Step 1: "Motif selection and preparation".

The first step is to choose the motif. To make it easier, the motif can be designed digitally or selected on the Internet and printed on normal printer paper. There are several masking fluid manufacturers, including pens with different line thicknesses that can be used like a regular paint pen. How thin the lines can be drawn should be considered when designing the motif and the motif size, so that they are far enough apart and the motif can be clearly seen later.

Step 2: "Transfer to the paper with masking fluid".

If you want to draw freehand, paint the motif directly onto the paper with the masking fluid. To do this, continue with step 3. To transfer the motif, the paper should either be transparent enough so that you can see right through it and draw it, or tape the motif to a window and the paper over it. Then trace the motif with masking fluid. If you are right-handed, it is best to work from the top left to the bottom right so as not to smudge what you have painted. Be careful not to paint over lines that have already dried, as they will come loose again. Small mistakes can be corrected after drying with a toothpick, modeling tool or similar.

Step 3: "Painting with alcohol ink"

After the masking liquid has dried, painting with alcohol ink begins. Prepare the workplace and put on the protective clothing. Pour isopropanol and the desired Alcohol Inks onto the motif and spread them on the paper up to the edge using a hair dryer. Be careful not to use too much ink so that the masking fluid can still come off later. You should still be able to see the lines of the masking fluid. The thinner the layer of paint over it, the easier it will come off later. When you are satisfied with the image design, let the ink dry completely.

Step 4: "Exposing the motif".

When the ink is dry, rub a cotton swab or silicone brush over the lines of masking fluid. While doing this, try not to touch other areas next to the lines, or the ink may rub off there as well. It is best to brush in one direction at a time so as not to spread paint on the exposed lines. In between, clean the brush or replace the cotton swab. After exposing the entire motif, the image can be sealed as usual.

1. In the sun, the motif is better visible with the window method, but the liquid also dries much faster and you have to work more quickly.

2. When choosing the color, pay attention to the contrast with the paper color. White lines, for example, are difficult to see in light gray color.

Octopus Fluids Alcohol Ink CARROT for fluid art and resin, orange
Octopus Fluids Alcohol Ink CARROT for fluid art and resin, orange
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Content:   ( € /  )
Octopus Fluids Alcohol Ink HONEY for fluid art and resin, brown
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Octopus Fluids Alcohol Ink Sparkler for fluid art and resin, metallic gold
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Octopus Fluids Alcohol Ink Olive for fluid art and resin, green
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Content:   ( € /  )